Serviço de recrutamento e seleção

Recruitment and selection service

Today, one of the biggest challenges in the technology market is finding the perfect candidate, which consumes time and resources, impacting the productivity of organizations. This is where INTERA comes into action.

We not only hire, but we also optimize the process with data intelligence and digital marketing strategies, empowering innovative companies to grow quickly. Our process is fully automated and human.

Our Hunting Solution is Building the Most
Important Teams in the Digital Market

Delivering at least 6 talents in up to two cycles

Submitting talents within 30 calendar days

95% hiring rate from Hunt Hacking cycles

The Hunt Hacking Process

Receive candidates ready to participate in your selection process

In contact with the client, we map the cultural, technical, and behavioral aspects of the open positions. We then prepare the company’s exclusive career page, built with your visual identity, which will be the contact point between talents and the opportunity. This page presents the company’s purpose, information about the challenge, and the technical requirements needed for each position.

Serviço de recrutamento e seleção
Serviço de recrutamento e seleção

We use 4 channels to attract high-potential talents to fill the opportunity: LinkedIn hunting, paid media, partnerships, and our internal database. We then work on the company’s employer branding, presenting the employer brand and the opportunity, encouraging talents to apply for the process.

We conduct a talent screening divided into 3 stages: analysis of the basic criteria for the opportunity; killing questions, which are specific questions for each position aimed at validating vital criteria; and an interview with the Intera team, where we delve deeper and validate the professional’s cultural and behavioral aspects.

Serviço de recrutamento e seleção
Serviço de recrutamento e seleção

Talents approved through Intera’s process are sent directly to the ATS used by the company or to the preferred channel along with a report of their participation in the process. Additionally, we schedule the first interview between the talent and the company, optimizing HR’s time.

Discover the Advantages of Choosing INTERA

Intera was founded in 2018 to address the challenges of hiring professionals in the technology field and to merge digital marketing with the recruitment process.

Today, with a proven track record of success and over 400 satisfied clients, Intera stands out as a reliable partner transforming the tech talent recruitment landscape.

Access to our database

Over 500,000 professionals

Contact with professionals

Tech Recruitment Specialists

Streamlined processes

Talents delivered within 30 days

Cost reduction

Besides process optimization


An exclusive Customer Success team

Position management

Through data and frequent reports

Grow Your Team with Talents

Due to our efficiency and consistent success in delivering exceptional results through our method, we have quickly become partners with major market players such as iFood, Creditas, Quinto Andar, Itaú, and Ambev.

Clients who have already hired INTERA’s Hunt Hacking solution: